Please call to inquire about bed availability or for more information.
Telephone: 604-276-2490
Address: 12040 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, BC V7A 4V5

Salvation Army Emergency Homeless Shelter!

Richmond House Emergency Shelter is a facility built in South East Richmond. We provide 30 BC Housing funded beds to 20 men and 10 women who are homeless and need emergency accommodation. Our service provides a warm bed, three meals a day and other practical assistance.

richmond cc emergency shelter

When people arrive at the shelter they are given a warm welcome. Intake is on a first come first served basis, although Richmond House does keep a waiting list for those looking for shelter. Staff are trained to use the Vulnerability Assessment Tool to help each person who comes to us find the right services they need – housing, treatment, health.

Each bedroom will host two guests at a time. The bedrooms are clean, warm and have a light and airy feel to them. Each dorm has washrooms and the women’s dorm has a separate lounge for the women to gather in if they wish to be separated from the general group.


The guests of the shelter have access to a lounge and dining room where they can relax and spend time getting used to their new surroundings. This is a perfect time for our staff to interact with guests and build important relationships with them, getting to know them better. This helps our staff know how to better help our guests. A Case Worker is assigned to each guest and their job is to assist guests in helping to make a plan to move forward, advocate for them for services and assist in finding them housing.


Nutritious Meals
Our cook and helpers provide nutritious meals at Richmond House. Our menu is approved by a nutritionist who assists the cook in making sure we are providing balanced meals with a variety of options available. We also make sure we meet the needs of guests who require special needs because of Diabetes, Celiac and Allergies. We are always on the look out for people to volunteer for us in this important service.

New Life
Our property on Horseshoe Way is big enough to allow us to offer a lovely setting for our guests to use. Nature is always a healing balm and so in spring as the buds appear on the trees, the birds come out and flowers bloom – all of this is a sign of new life. Everyone deserves to experience HOPE – HOPE for a new beginning, HOPE for healing and HOPE for tomorrow, for a bright future. Richmond House is about giving people HOPE today!

backyard with tree